Apex Foundries

Employment history

1992 – 1994/1995
± 2 ½ years

City/Town: Isithebe, Natal

Type of Business: Metal foundry

Description: 5 Divisions of foundries on one large property. They made all sorts of appliances using from the smallest screws and washers to the largest bolts and nuts, metal sheets, etc. It was a large company with hundreds of workers.

Position: Data capturer/Secretary

Reason for leaving: Company declared insolvent and closed doors

Back office
  • Liaising with staff in other departments
  • Worked ± 2 years in the data capturing room – it required precise capturing of all statistical information from the foundries – 4 data capturers in the office
  • Very high pressure with monthly deadlines to be met to print reports in time. Large printers were used with A3 continuous printing paper. These reports had to be filed in flat binders according to the date
Front office
  • There was a shift among the office workers. I was appointed as secretary to the general manager in the Apex division
  • Franking envelopes, placing post into a large Post Office bag, sealing it for collection
  • Opening the bag received from the Post Office in the presence of the office runner who had to distribute documentation and post throughout the 5 divisions and its offices
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Make arrangements for snacks and drinks at meetings
  • Staff members had to stand in for the switchboard operator as needed
  • Tremendously busy switchboard