National Legal Aid Undertakers

Employment history

± 5 months

City/Town: Louis Trichardt

Type of Business: Undertakers

Position: Clerical

Reason for leaving: Temporarily job


  • Back office
  • Working independently with large amounts of cash behind a closed door
  • More or less R100 000 of cash in float
  • Working in close relationship with the field workers
  • The field workers had different stations daily in the rural areas and had to collect premiums for funeral policies. They went out in pairs.
  • I had to make up bags with set amounts of change – R10, R20, R50, R100 and sealing each bag with a number. Inside the bag would be the change, an extra seal and a form with all relevant information for example the amount of change in the bag, seal numbers, signatures, dates, etc.
  • I had my own set of forms on which the same information appeared as above
  • As the field workers finished their daily tasks, they needed to verify the seal number accompanied in the bag, sign off and seal the bag before dropping the bag off at the offices, and yet again the seal numbers had to be checked and signed for and locked away in the safe before leaving for home
  • I had to make sure that my float stays the same and balances at all times. Head Office would send staff without notification at irregular intervals to check my float and the overall cleanliness and stance of the branch
  • I had to request change on a daily basis from the branch manager
  • Once a month on a Saturday I had to stand in for the clerk organising the coffins & vehicles of the deceased
  • Capturing all data on a computer software program called Pos-I-Till