
"Thank you, Charmaine. You have superb skills!!! My Outlook account does not show an 'Error' message anymore. I am not tech-savvy, what would I've done without you? And my website looks amazing! Thanks again for everything you so diligently do..."
Sophie Verhamme | Sophie's Properties

"Charmaine, you have such a wonderful, sincere telephone etiquette. The Wiki Village clients are full of praise when you handle their queries. Thank you for your loyal support over the years!"
Paul Jordaan | Director Wiki Village (Pty) Ltd

"Five years and 5 months at the books and antique shop - time went by so fast... Thank you for your hard work. All my customers were very fond of you and still ask me how you are doing. They loved your friendliness and helpfulness in the shop..."
Danie Immelman | Books & Bygones

"Charmaine has been known to me for a number of years. She is extremely honest and reliable in whatever functions and assets are entrusted to her care. She is proud of whatever function she performs and does it as perfectly and honestly as is humanly possible. I can, therefore, recommend her with a clear conscience to anyone who acquires her services."
Professor APJ Immelman | Retired Chartered Accountant and Auditor